Matteo Spanio

Centro di Sonologia Computazionale.

Department of Information Engineering.


CSC lab, building DEI/S

Via Gardenigo 6/A

Padua, Italy

Hi there, I’m Matteo Spanio, Ph. D. student at the University of Padua. I’m interested in:

  • 🤖 machine learning,
  • 📡 signal processing,
  • 🎹 music.

My Ph. D. project focuses on studying deep learning methods for music generation based on cross modal perception.

I’m member of the MPAI group, the international, unaffiliated, no-profit organisation developing standards for AI-based data coding.

I’m also a musician, and I play the clarinet on a regular basis in many orchestras and ensembles (Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Orchestra del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Orchestra San Marco, Concordia Chamber Orchestra, Rossini Ensemble and many others).

To see my work, check out my projects and publications. Time permitting, I also write blog posts.


Aug 18, 2024 A new paper titled A novel derivative-based approach for the automatic detection of time-reversed audio in the MPAI/IEEE-CAE ARP international standard by Marina Bosi, Fabio Zanini, Alessandro Russo, Sergio Canazza and me has been accepted at the AES Show 2024 that will take place in New York from 8 to 10 October 2024. See you in New York!
Jun 01, 2024 I will attend the 7th Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning (ACDL) from 10 to 14 june. See you there!
Sep 11, 2023 Today Dr. Alessandro Russo is presenting our new article “Enhancing Preservation and Restoration of Open Reel Audio Tapes Through Computer Vision” at the International Conference of Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2023) in Udine, see you there.

latest posts

selected publications

  1. Enhancing Preservation and Restoration of Open Reel Audio Tapes Through Computer Vision
    Alessandro Russo, Matteo Spanio, and Sergio Canazza
    In Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2023 Workshops, 2024
  2. AES
    A novel derivative-based approach for the automatic detection of time-reversed audio in the MPAI/IEEE-CAE ARP international standard
    Marina Bosi, Fabio Zanini, Matteo Spanio, and 2 more authors
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2024